Tag: interval training

HIIT High Intensity Interval Training

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High Intensity Interval Training is a method of training where you use short, high-intensity bursts of effort, together with short rest intervals. It could be as simple as really intense running on the spot or cycling on a stationary cycle for 10 seconds, paired with 20 seconds of walking on the spot or slow cycling. If you’re working out with a friend, you could switch between the two, using your switch-over time as your rest interval.

1. You don’t need gadgets or equipment for HIIT. You can use any exercise you like and adapt to work with HIIT. You don’t have to join a gym or buy any kind of equipment to get the benefits of HIIT training.

2. Begin Slowly. Work your way up with HIIT Levels – Don’t risk injuries by thinking you can go “just a bit longer” with your HIIT workout. Measure your capacity and work at the level you’re capable of rather than trying to rev it up before you’re ready.


Here is a beginners’ HIIT Workout Program available to watch on Amazon Prime, if you already have that available. Or alternatively a DVD with cardio and HIIT workouts.

3. The Tabata HIIT Method – In only 4 minutes of a Tabata-style workout you can achieve the same results you would with an hour long cardio-only workout.

4. Challenge Yourself. HIIT is both the most difficult workout you’ll ever experience and the shortest and most gratifying. It only takes a few minutes out of your day so watching the clock and getting results is never a problem.

5. Melt Fat And Make Your Core Lean And Mean – You can almost look in the mirror and watch the fat on your body melt away when you incorporate HIIT in your workout routine. You’ll also see the difference in your core and notice that your endurance and strength improves.

6. Super-Charge Your Metabolism – It’s a fact that your metabolism has everything to do with burning fat. You’ll be excited to know that HIIT helps your metabolism burn more calories even after the workout is long over.

7. Build Muscle. HIIT workouts are scientifically known to build more muscle mass than those long aerobic workout routines. The reason is that HIIT workouts produce higher levels of oxidation than other forms of exercise routines.

8. HIIT Adapts To A Busy Lifestyle – While exercise is important, it shouldn’t have to take up so much of your valuable time. Opt for a 20 minute Tabata workout instead of a 40 minute run and burn twice the calories.

9. Aerobic And Anaerobic Method– With HIIT, you’ll work out smarter and get faster and better results. The combined use of aerobic and anaerobic exercises speed up your metabolism and sculpts your body at the same time.

10. Enjoy Your Life As You Enjoy Your HIIT Workouts – You’ll begin to enjoy the health benefits of HIIT as you progress, and the way your body looks. You’ll enjoy life more because you’re not spending all your time working out. HIIT workouts are short and sweet – and produce results!